Fight with TinyTex and Rmarkdown can’t knit to PDF on my PC

Hi, I’m the here-bot cat! Use me to find your way in your website. Here I am: content/blog/2020-02-23-fight-with-tinytex-and-rmarkdown-can-t-knit-to-pdf-on-my-pc/index.html Here is my R Markdown source file: blog/2020-02-23-fight-with-tinytex-and-rmarkdown-can-t-knit-to-pdf-on-my-pc/index.Rmd You’ll want to edit this file, then re-knit to see the changes take effect in your site preview. To remove me, delete this line inside that file: {{< here >}} My content section is: blog My layout is: single-sidebar Images in this page bundle: /blog/fight-with-tinytex-and-rmarkdown-can-t-knit-to-pdf-on-my-pc/featured.

February 23, 2020

Soccer Game

San Antonio Sunday Soccer League Game with my son

February 16, 2020

First blog and some words

Yihui Xie Keith McNulty David Robinson Useful links This is the first blog I created after I put my personal website online. This is the second time I’ve built my personal website. Last time, when I built my first one, I was still in graduate school fighting for my dissertation. It seems like a Déjà vu, but two websites serve as two different purposes. My first website was mainly used for advertising and job hunting.

February 14, 2020