My Useful SAS Resources

Story Key Programming Talk Key notes Repo structure Other source on the internet Hi, I’m the here-bot cat! Use me to find your way in your website. Here I am: content/blog/2022-04-05-sas -tricks/index.html Here is my R Markdown source file: blog/2022-04-05-sas -tricks/index.Rmd You’ll want to edit this file, then re-knit to see the changes take effect in your site preview. To remove me, delete this line inside that file: {{< here >}}

Parallel Analysis: Determining the Dimensionality of Data

window.xaringanExtraClipboard(null, {“button”:" Copy Code",“success”:" Copied!",“error”:“Press Ctrl+C to Copy”}) WHAT IS PARALLEL ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY PARALLEL ANALYSIS IN R Recently, my colleague asked me to review a state assessment tech report. In the tech report, a section-“Parallel Analysis” really caught my eyes. I have done parallel analysis multiple times in the past. However, I have never thought about this topic in a systematical way. It is always a good memory refreshing opportunity.